
Read what Harriet's clients say about her

“You are truly my angel. I get so much from our meetings. I am excited about doing my work with the tools and insight you have given me.” ..Maura


“I will recommend you to anyone I know who needs professional career guidance and personal advice.” ..Joan


“I really enjoy being with you and love your energy and perspective – you are so calm and make me think I can do anything.” ..Valerie


“You are an angel. Some lucky woman who ends up finding me is going to have a huge IOU to you!” ..Paul


“Your strength and advice to navigate this maze I now call my life is unmeasurable. How can I thank you for all that you have done for me?” ..Bryan


“You are truly my angel. I get so much from our meetings. I am excited about doing my work with the tools and insight you have given me.” ..Sharon


“Thank you for caring and entering my personal space…you truly are a wonderful person and my world is already a better place.” ..Paul


“Thank you for getting me out of my job and the “sinking ship”. ..Jason


“I love your energy and your calm nature.. thanks for not judging me but helping me to realize that I have the strength to make good decisions.” ..Deena


“Thanks for being you!” ..Michael


“Thanks for opening my eyes and seeing things in a way that I never would have. I really feel so comfortable with you and know that you are constantly thinking of what is best for me.” ..Bill


“A year ago, my career, and to an extent, my personal life had gone off track as a result of some bad luck, bad timing and bad decisions. It was my lowest point in recent memory and I knew that I needed help getting back on track. Instead of working with a backward-looking therapist, my parents and I agreed that I would be better served with a forward-looking approach. I needed a strategist, a teammate, a motivator – in essence, I needed a life coach. I was introduced to Harriet and she quickly understood the type of person I was and from where I was coming. By our second meeting we began to plan – the next week, the next month, the next year. It was a dynamic plan of action with attainable goals, little victories and measured success that was constantly evolving to address each new issue I faced.

A year later, Harriet and I have made great strides in redirecting my career and my life. I am, without doubt, a stronger, more self-assured person with greater confidence in myself and control over my destiny. In short, I am back on track.

But I, like everyone else, am a work in progress; with skills to hone, flaws to fix and obstacles to overcome. And so Harriet and I continue planning for the challenges and opportunities to come – next week, next month and next year.” .. Justin
